services and methods

Customer Experience Design

The aim of the Customer Experience Design is to purposely shape the experiences a customer has with a product or service.

The basis for this is the Customer Journey. Within these, the contact points of the customer with the provider, the product or the service are defined before, during and after the transaction or a purchase.

A high-quality customer experience can be assured whether the customer has a positive experience between the individual touchpoints or whether they are taken by hand. In the process, the customer must know what comes next and what options they have.

In order to optimally adapt the Customer Experience to the needs of the different target groups, a corresponding analysis is required. First, the customer groups must be defined. Subsequently interviews serve to find out when a customer comes into contact with the product and the provider and in which form and/or media.

After the evaluation, touchpoints may need to be redefined or redesigned by possibly selecting other media or also developing new services around a product.